JANUARY 20 – 28, 2021
The gallery presents new works by one of Sweden’s most technically advanced silversmiths: Olle Olls. In his enchanted works, the difficult to master meets the seemingly simple and straightforward. This entails a historical kinship with, and reverence for, the craftsmanship of elder silversmiths. However, Olls’ experimental work clearly breaks free from tradition and convention.
The exhibition Baroque presents a dozen sculptural light objects for one or more candles. Part of the composition of each light object consists of dismantled candlesticks and candelabra in Baroque and Rococo styles. These have been given new life by their combination with solid bronze. The melting point of bronze is 200°C higher than that of silver and in Olls’ own version of lost-wax casting, but using Styrofoam and sand instead of wax, unpredictable and vital forms are born.