APRIL 17 – MAY 10, 2014
Welcome to the third and final part of Swedish goldsmith Michael Persson Carling’s trilogy about the last supper!
To him, the last supper is the biggest party in world history. Unlike many others who associate this event with melancholy, betrayal or other negative life lessons – Persson Carling views it as the end of an era and the beginning of a new one.
Michael Persson Carling is a goldsmith and silversmith active in Gothenburg, Sweden. He created the exhibited party hats for the twelve disciples but believes that every guest of the Holy Communion should wear one. “The Holy Communion is the party that everyone has a standing invitation to”.
In this exhibition, he presents all three parts of his trilogy: Party Hats, Imprints and You Are Invited with the hope to inspire new conversations. Conversations that would not have occurred without this trilogy.
Centrally placed in the trilogy of Party Hats is a newly written book – a wearable and readable piece of jewellery about the Eucharist and the mystery of faith, which has garnered Michael Persson Carling a lot of attention.
Galleri Sebastian Schildt happily presents this exhibition which also includes a selection of Persson Carling’s jewel-studded creations, such as rings and other pieces of hand jewellery.