Bowl, “The Shit Hits the Fan”, sterling silver, fist in bronze. The left hook is a surprise of a punch. It is the closest power punch to your opponent if you are right-handed, and so it is short range, quick and powerful. Metal designer Mona Fällberg describes how boxing symbolizes an awakening to her. Be it as a response to a significant life change or in response to a global pandemic that has hit us all unexpectedly and forcefully – an awakening just the same.
But to her, boxing does not just symbolize a sucker punch and an awakening, it also means to take care of yourself and making sure that you are keeping physically and mentally strong in trying times. Boxing symbolizes a finding of your inner strength when shit hits the fan.
Mona Fällberg has made this bowl in 3,5 kg sterling silver, titled “The Shit Hits the Fan”. The movement of a left hook is frozen in the fist imprint on the side of the bowl; the mark of a piercing punch that has you gasping for air. Accompanying the bowl is a clenched fist in bronze. The bowl is a continuation of Fällberg’s plate “The Pugilist”, which she created for the gallery’s previous exhibition Corpus Maximus.
Mona Fällberg (b. 1970) resides and works in Stockholm. She works at The Oxenstierna Manor on Storgatan 31, Stockholm. Fällberg attended The Hungarian University of Craft and Design in Budapest and holds an MFA in Metal Design from Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm.
PRICE: 230 000 SEK.